I'm sick with a virus so I'll keep this short but I wanted to share some good news with you. A couple of weeks ago I received an email from American Gourmet Magazine's blog, Gourmet Live, telling
Hello dear readers. Forgive my recent absence - it's been a memorable few weeks for all sorts of reasons. I'll have a few things to post about soon but in the meantime here's what I'm loving right now
Happy Birthday to The Hungry Australian! A year has flown by and I'm so happy to be here, blogging. I started The Hungry Australian on a whim a year ago with this post -- Chinese Sausage Omelette�
As mentioned in my last post, I am one of the organisers of Eat Drink Blog 3, the Australian Food & Drink Bloggers Conference, which will take place in Adelaide later this year. I attended Eat
When I started The Hungry Australian last June, I had few expectations other than getting in the habit of writing again and easing my way back into the workforce after an extended maternity break.
There's something about a layered dessert that speaks of thoughtfulness. It's an indication that someone's made an effort to make you feel special. There are so many different layered desserts, to
If you're a new, emerging or aspiring food blogger, you'll have lots of questions that need answers. I know because I am an emerging food blogger myself. I started The Hungry Australian in June 201
Last November I was lucky to attend the second Australian Food Bloggers Conference in Sydney - see my write up here. This invite-only event was a fantastic way to glean blogging tips and advice from
I don't believe in love at first sight. Lust at first sight? Certainly. But love at first sight? No. How can you fall in love with someone from across the room? You may think he or she is a
One of the wonderful things I love about food blogging is that you meet all kinds of people who are mad about food: chefs, producers, restauranteurs, home cooks, people who love to eat out, people wh
Last Thursday, I was thrilled to receive an email asking me if I was interested in a last-minute spot at Eat Drink Blog 11, to be held that Saturday in Sydney. I immediately responded 'yes' and di
Australian MasterChef series 2 finalist, Alvin Quah - he of the funky white glasses and cropped 'do - has been accused of plagiarising a recipe by Bee Yinn Low from Asian food blog, Rasa Malaysia, on
G'day. I've been itching to update you on our recent holiday with a 'Malaysia: Best Eats' special and a report on Melaka's legendary Jonker Street. Unfortunately, I (and the rest of the family) have