I’ve had one of those weeks. You know, when nothing goes quite to plan and everything feels simply impossible.
While not rocking backwards and forwards in the fetal position, this is what I’ve been thinking:
All these cheery thoughts have been playing in high rotation, spiralling out of control until I get my period. Wham! Suddenly sanity returns.
Too much information? Sorry. But you know what? Hormones can be a bitch so I’m going straight back on the pill to tame mine.
Now when life feels impossible there is comfort in domesticity. So it’s a perfect time to bake…. wait for it…. an Impossible Pie.
You didn’t see that one coming, did you?
Impossible Pie is one of those great Australian desserts that is regularly trotted out at dinner parties, picnics, church socials and barbecues. My mother has been making this for years so when Sweet Adventures Tropical Paradise rolled around I knew it’s time had come.
For those new readers, Sweet Adventures is a group of Aussie foodbloggers – 84th & 3rd, The Capers of the Kitchen Crusader, Dining With a Stud, and I, The Hungry Australian, who host a monthly, dessert-themed blog hop. You can visit the other blogs taking part in our hops via the thumbnails at the bottom of each post.
Previously, we have hosted: Sweets for Santa (December 2012), Cake and Three Veg (November 2012); High Tea (October 2012); Feeling Saucy (September 2012); Berry Nice to Meet You! (August 2012); Nuts About Sweets (July 2012); Sweet as Pie (June 2012); What’s Your Cup of Tea? (May 2012); Lemons (April 2012); Layer upon Layer (March 2012); Love at First Bite (February 2012); Death by Chocolate (January 2012); Festive Favourites (December 2011); and Great Australian Pavlova (November 2011).
This month, Nic from Dining with a Stud was our lovely host and she opted for a tropical theme. You can check out her post on how to join in this hop.
Now go eat some pie. There, don’t you feel better now? :D

- ½ cup softened butter
- ½ cup plain flour
- ¾ cup caster sugar
- 1½ cups milk
- 4 eggs
- 1 cup desiccated coconut
- 2 teaspoons vanilla essence or paste
- Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
- Spray a 10 inch pie plate with baking spray (I find this so much better than butter/margarine).
- Beat together all ingredients until thoroughly combined and then pour into pie plate.
- Bake for one hour or until set (use a skewer to test).
- Leave in pie plate to cool.
- Dust with icing sugar and serve with thick cream.