Tag Archives: australian blogging conference

  • Countdown to Eat Drink Blog 3

    Hello there! After a fabulous week spent exploring Dubai I’m now back in Adelaide, with a (metaphoric) pile of work on my desk and all the last-minute arrangements for Eat Drink Blog 3 to tackle before the two-day conference this weekend.

    On November 3-4, we’ll be introducing 80 food bloggers from nearly every state in Australia to the joys and delights of South Australian food and wine before treating them to a full-day conference featuring expert speakers and presenters, practical workshops and exclusive networking.

    I’m proud to be part of the organising committee for the third Australian food blogging conference, working alongside my fellow committee members, AmandaKirstyErinAlex, Natasha, and Celeste. EDB3 has grown bigger than any of us could have imagined and alongside it, we’ve grown as a food blogging community, too.

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