Tag Archives: lychee rosewater recipe

  • Lychee and Rosewater Sorbet plus other bits and bobs

    It’s still crazy hot in Adelaide so I’ve been experimenting with home-made ice blocks and sorbets. I can’t stop eating the beetroot, carrot and berry flavoured ice blocks I made recently but my kids won’t eat them because they’re not that sweet. 

    You know I mean the ice blocks, right? My kids can be sweet but they can also throw a tantrum with the best of them. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing – it’s fairly normal, actually. Apparently the fact that my kids are comfortable melting down in front of me is a sign that they feel secure and loved. So that’s fortunate, isn’t it? *insert uncomfortable silence.*


    Anyway, I went back to the drawing board and came up with this pretty Lychee and Rosewater Sorbet, which combines two of my current food obsessions — rosewater and coconut water — with lychees, which I adore.

    One of the things I really like about this recipe is that you don’t have to faff around with sugar syrups because I use the canned lychees that come in a sugar syrup. So it’s just a matter of blending up the handful of ingredients and then freezing them. Easy right? 

    This sorbet is a perfect treat to cool you down in this hot weather. Consider it a delightful defuser of meltdowns. Both kinds, that is. 


    Lychee Rose Sorbet


    • 2 x 20 ounce (567 grams) cans lychees in syrup
    • 2 raspberries
    • 500 msl 100% coconut water
    • 1/2 teaspoon rosewater
    • 1 tablespoon dried rose petals (food grade)


    1. Blend lychees in syrup and raspberries until as smooth as possible. You can strain it if you like but I don’t think it’s necessary
    2. Add coconut water and rosewater and mix to combine.
    3. Place mixture into an ice cream maker and follow directions before pouring into a freezer-proof container and freezing for 5-6 hours. Alternatively, pour mixture into freezer proof container and freeze. After 30 minutes use a fork to scrape the frozen edges into the middle and then put back into the freezer. Repeat the fork action twice more at 30 minute intervals before leaving to freeze 5-6 hours or overnight.
    4. To serve, scoop into small bowls or sturdy cupcake wrappers and garnish with rose petals.  


    1. Gluten, nut and dairy-free
    2. Makes about 1.5 litres.
    3. To get the beautiful pink colour I used two raspberries. I used fresh raspberries but frozen ones — available all year around — would be fine, too.

    And now for some other bits and bobs…

    South African love

    I know that there’s this thing called the Internets that this blog lives on but I’m still quietly thrilled when I receive positive feedback from The Hungry Australian readers living in places I’ve never visited.  So I’m honoured to be featured in an article in Food and Home Entertaining Magazine, South Africa’s premier food magazine this month.

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    Here’s a link to the featured Fig, Prosciutto and Pear recipe.

    Barossa Valley Love

    A few months ago I was chuffed to be interviewed by Rose and Matthew from Urtext Films about the Barossa Valley for SA Tourism’s Through Local Eyes project.

    Now regular readers will know how much I love the Barossa Valley, Australia’s most famous wine region, which is a mere hour’s drive from my house. Previously I’ve blogged my experiences at Maggie Beer’s Farmhouse, Appellation at The Louise, Rockford, Collingrove Homestead and The Breakfast Rave, the Barossa’s pop-up community event.

    Rose and Matthew’s short film called ‘You Gotta Try II: Barossa edition’ was recently released so you can watch me chatting about some of my must-visit places in the Barossa and why I love shopping at farmers’ markets here.


    Hmmm. Now I’m all inspired to visit the Barossa again. See you there next weekend?

    More Sorbet and Ice Cream Recipes

    More Rosewater Recipes

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