Tag Archives: food blogging

  • My One Year Blog Anniversary!

    Happy Birthday to The Hungry Australian! A year has flown by and I’m so happy to be here, blogging.

    I started The Hungry Australian on a whim a year ago with this post — Chinese Sausage Omelette — to find the joy in writing again. One problem with being a control freak and a perfectionist is that you set yourself very high standards. This can be helpful in some ways but hugely unhelpful in others.

    Now I’ve always been a writer — and been lucky enough to be paid for my writing since 1996 — but in 2011 my writing suddenly ground to a halt. I was on an extended maternity break and writing was suddenly no longer a side-line but the main event. Overnight, it became intimidating to me; I became crippled by self-doubt and paralysed by indecision.

    So blogging was a way for me to find the joy in writing again. It has absolutely brought this back to me, and so much more besides. A year ago I would never have imagined that today:

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