Tag Archives: cats

  • Cat-sitting

    We’re looking after Celeste’s cats for a few days while she moves house.

    We never had a cat or dog when I was growing up — my mum thinks they are ‘dangerous’ — so I had a whole list of questions:

    1. Will the cats be sad when we go out? Will they feel neglected and depressed because we’re not around to pet them?
    2. Do I have to leave lights on for them when we go to bed so they can see where their food and kitty litter box are?
    3. Will they be able to cope with my two kids wanting to play with them every single second?
    4. Where will they sleep?

    The correct answers, in case you are wondering, are:

    1. No, they will breathe a huge sigh of relief. And possibly reach for the cat equivalent of a Gin & Tonic. Whatever that may be.
    2. No. They’re cats – they can see in the dark. That’s why the little shiny lights on the road are called cats’ eyes. Having said that, I left the kitchen light on for them last night as they settled in. Just in case.
    3. Yes, but barely. See 1.
    4. Anywhere they damn well like. They’re cats – they don’t ask for permission.


    Last night Satin settled in very quickly, exploring and poking around the house like an eager CSI agent. She was shown the kitty litter box and did her business just fine. But Tinsel took one look at my kids, visibly blanched and hid under the couch. She eventually settled under my bed and refused to come out so I couldn’t show her where the kitty litter box and food was set out. So I told Satin to show Tinsel where they were and went to bed. Because cats are great at following instructions, right?

    At around 4am this morning Satin came into my bedroom mewing the feline equivalent of the Hallelujah Chorus and proceeded to walk all over me several times. I’m pretty sure she’s just setting the tone for the whole weekend.

    It’s now mid morning and Tinsel is hiding under the playroom table. She lets me stroke her but she won’t let me pick her up. How can I show her where the kitty litter box is if she hisses at me when I try to pick her up?


    I’ll have a new food & travel post up tomorrow – I’m a little distracted at the moment.