Tag Archives: best hotel south australia

  • A sneak peek at Southern Ocean Lodge

    Souther Ocean Lodge lookout, Kangaroo Island Fish at Southern Ocean Lodge

    I’ve been burning the midnight oil this week working on my blog redesign* (yay!) as well as new client work.

    When life gets busy my house starts to fall apart – I can’t even see my kitchen benches right now. I could’ve hugged my sister in law the other day when she joked that her house always looks like it’s been robbed: if you’re a working parent of small kids your home is always teetering on the brink of chaos. Unless you have live-in help, that is, in which case I might have to move in with you.

    My mother overheard us talking and told us that her home was never messy when my brother and I were small. However, she also told me that my brother and I never had sleep problems as babies, either — “we just drove you around in the car until you fell asleep” — so I’m not sure we can really trust what she says.

    Anyway, the point of this rather indulgent spiel is that I’d hoped to have a new recipe post up today but it just didn’t happen because I had to occasionally, you know, sleep. Without anyone driving me around until I fell asleep, no less.

    So here are a few photos from my recent visit to the Southern Ocean Lodge on Kangaroo Island instead. I will be blogging my visit in detail later on and you won’t want to miss that because it is really quite a special place. Plus, I have some great photos of a seal rolling playfully around on the beach. It’s way cuter than it sounds – I’ve never met a more charismatic and witty seal.

    Have a great week.

    *My new site design will be up early September.

    Oysters at Kangaroo and Canapes, Southern Ocean LodgeBeetroot and cheese salad at Southern Ocean LodgeSunrise at Southern Ocean Lodge


    I visited the Southern Ocean Lodge as a guest of the Lodge and the South Australian Tourism Commission.

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